Each school is required to have a nominated Designated Teacher (DT). This is a statutory requirement whether or not a school has a Looked After Child currently on their roll. This is to ensure that whenever one of the pupils becomes looked after or a new child in care is admitted to the school there is a teacher who is already trained to carry out this important role.
Details of the role of the Designated Teacher are set out in Promoting the Education of Looked After Children (February 2018) and the Role and Responsibilities of the Designated Teacher for looked after children (2018).
The member of staff who is appointed as the DT must be:
• A qualified teacher
• A Headteacher or,
• Acting Headteacher.
Within the Staffordshire Virtual School, we refer to the “Looked After” and “Previously Looked After” children we work with, as “our children.” This enables us to act as a “parent” would, striving to achieve the best outcomes possible.
What is expected of DTs?
DTs have a key role in promoting the education of our children and young people in and previously in care. They need to strive to:
- put the needs of our children at the centre of their educational planning, ensuring their voice is heard.
- actively engage our children in setting their own learning targets wherever possible.
- help put in place and advise staff about suitable and effective teaching strategies.
- develop a positive relationship with carers, communicating the importance of supported learning.
- share school policies with all relevant parties.
- facilitate positive communication, through Relational and Restorative Practice between the school and other professionals such as social workers and the Virtual School, ensuring that all partners contribute to the overall educational outcome.
- assist with school transitions when our children move from one school to another or into post 16 education.
Our Training offer
Our Staffordshire Virtual School is keen to work closely with DTs to support them in their role in school. We do this by:
- Our Virtual School advisors attending at least one PEP meeting a year
- Our Virtual School advisors and co-ordinators being available to offer support and advice when needed.
- inviting DTs to be part of the district Virtual School network to support collaborative learning across the county.